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In Afghanistan, girls over the age of twelve will officially be able to return to school. But, there are conditions.
Alina hadn’t opened her notebooks for seven months. Tomorrow, the fourteen-year-old girl will return to school, like thousands of others atAfghans of her age. A return that many young girls were waiting for but with a little apprehension. “This year the school will be different from other years, because many people have left the country. I know young people that I would never see again. Despite everything, I’m happy to study in class again“, she explains.
Since the takeover of the country by the Taliban at the end of the summer of 2021, secondary school has been prohibited for all girls over the age of twelve. To study, they had to go to clandestine schools. This ban had been denounced by the international community. The Taliban finally lifted it, judging the country’s security situation under control. Many still find it difficult to there to believe. “My mother doesn’t have good memories of the first Taliban regime. When they came back she told us that with my sisters we won’t have an education“. But the rules will be strict and the Islamic framework will have to be respected, in particular the prohibition of co-education in classes. Some have chosen not to return to school. In the country, 10 million children are in school age, including 4 million girls.