girls born in 2022 could live on average 93 years and boys 90 years, according to INSEE

The lifespan has increased considerably compared to the previous century, confirms a study by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee).

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“Girls born in 2022 could live on average 93 years, boys 90 years”, according to INSEE estimates published on Thursday 10 November. French people aged 20 this year would live less long: at 91 for women and 88 for men. The average age at death of women and men who turn 50 this year is estimated at 89 and 85 respectively.

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This study is interested “life expectancy per generation”, hear by that “the average lifespan of a generation under the mortality conditions it actually experienced or might experience in the future if the generation has survivors today”. First observation, the lifespan has increased considerably compared to the previous century.

“According to the central projection scenario, life expectancy at birth would increase by 37 years for women and 42 years for men between the generation born in 1900 and that born in 2022”.

Life expectancy per generation seems to be progressing more rapidly for men than for women: “Women born from 1950 to 1990 could gain 2.1 years [d’espérance de vie] every ten years of birth”against “3.1 years” for men. According to the INSEE study, almost all children born in 2022 will reach the age of 65, compared to 91% of women and 84% of men born in 1970. This probability of reaching 65 rose only 81% of women and 69% of men born in 1940.

To establish this study, INSEE used a central scenario of population projections. These estimates are based “on the population census”. “The 2021-2070 population projections consist of estimating the population numbers by sex and age on January 1 of each year in France”, specifies INSEE.

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