Video length: 2 min.

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While the Vosges mourn the death of little Rose, five years old, the inhabitants are also wondering about the legal past of the main suspect.
The teenager suspected in Rose’s death has already been implicated. The young man of 15 was indicted for the rape of two young children aged 10 and 11 in February 2022. While awaiting trial, what were the options for justice? Given the seriousness of the charges, the young man could have been remanded in custody in a juvenile prison or placed in a psychiatric hospital. But a year ago, justice considered that the young man was not dangerous.
Strange behaviors
“We thought that through an educational approach, he could respond to the problem. And in fact, in a relatively exceptional way, the stay of this young person in a closed educational center was not only long (…)it has been a year, it has gone very well”explains the former president of the court. When the young man returns to his family, he is subject to strict judicial control according to his profile. “An obligation for this minor to present himself to a doctor and to justify it to an educator”explains the prosecutor. However, after these facts, several inhabitants testify to strange behavior.