Girard harms the return of the Nordiques: “It’s as if we were begging to have a team!” says Ciccone

Minister Eric Girard and his government are harming the possible return of the Nordiques to Quebec by injecting public money into the holding of two Kings exhibition games, according to Liberal MP and ex-hockey player Enrico Ciccone.

• Read also: Subsidy for the Kings: Girard takes note of criticism, but refuses to back down

• Read also: The return of the Nordics: the equivalent of waiting for the return of a wife who left 25 years ago, according to Bruno Marchand

“When you spend (taxpayer) money, it’s like you’re asking for a team,” says the former NHL player. When you see the State which is obliged to pay to bring in a team, it proves that it is not strong enough, even though it is false! It sends a message that is false, because we are capable of hosting an NHL team here!”

Enrico Ciccone believes that it is completely unjustified for the government to spend $5 to $7 million from the public treasury to move a “billion dollar” team to Quebec.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance defended his decision tooth and nail. Despite the very negative reaction, which he says he fully accepts, Mr. Girard refuses to back down on the controversial subsidy announced last week to bring the Los Angeles Kings for a week at the Videotron Center in October 2024.

After asserting last week, he now recognizes that there is a link between this event and the return of the Nordiques. He says there is a 10% chance that the Nordiques will return to Quebec.

MP Ciccone maintains that NHL leaders like Gary Bettman do not like to negotiate in public and that the strategy adopted by the Legault government is not the right one.

“The CAQ does not know how negotiations with the NHL work,” he insisted Tuesday at a press conference at the National Assembly.

More details to come…

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