Giovanni Castaldi gently knocked out by his companion Carine Galli: “Did you catch a heat?”

Did you take a heat stroke?“When Carine Galli attacks her companion on Twitter, she is not kidding! The sports journalist on Team 21 hallucinated this Thursday in front of the tweets of the half-brother of Benjamin Castaldi, her lover for more than two years. And she let him know, under the hilarious eye of Internet users, thoroughly in their exchanges.

Also a sports journalist on the same channel, Giovanni Castaldi made fun of a conspiratorial video, as can be found quite a bit on Twitter. In the caption, he added: “Are there really people who can believe that? If so, that’s scary. With that, I’m off to do my shopping for the 8-armed alien that lives in me…“Except here, Carine Galli is keeping an eye on the grain!

The 37-year-old immediately replied: “Go shopping ? Did you take a heat stroke?“, accompanied by surprised emojis. Apparently, his companion is not a big fan of supermarkets! This one, not ready to let it go, added: “It’s a low blow. But I assume, I prefer to go to the restaurant, I love cooking too much, I respect it too much, to cook. I have principles“.

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