Giovan Oniangué lights the first wicks before the 110th Clasico in Limoges

At the end of the week, the Élan Béarnais will play in Beaublanc the 110th Clasico of French basketball. He will have a sporting stake this season since the two teams currently occupy the top 8. At Élan, a player is already looking forward to this match, in the wake of the victory he tweeted frantically: “now the next“, knowing that Limoges was waiting for him. This Monday evening on France Bleu Béarn Bigorre, in 100% Clubs, the Elan winger has kindly started to heat up the atmosphere, and hopes to find a respondent, Sunday afternoon in Beaublanc, despite the gauge.

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“I would like to have whistles, I want it”

Since I signed for Elan, people talk to me about the Clasico, entrusts Giovan Oniangué, some even tell me that if we lose all the matches but win both against Limoges, that’s fine!“A bit excessive, no doubt, but effective for become aware of the rivalry. “I’m going to bother the Limougeauds a bit to have a good atmosphere there“, jokes the player, active on social networks. Giovan Oniangué also says he knows that after the Levallois / Nanterre derbies he “go up a notch“, with the Clasico: “when I played with Rémi Lesca and we went to Limoges, it was exceptional the way he was whistled!“What to give ideas to Giovan Oniangué:”If I can retrieve Rémi’s torch, that’s fine with me! I find it exciting to go to Beaublanc with the Elan, I would like to have whistles, I even want them!“And to specify, without this evening being useful:”And win there to be entitled to even more whistles!

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