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Giorgia Meloni, a figurehead of Italy’s far-right, is set to become prime minister after leading a campaign based on immigration and inflation.
His face has imposed itself on the Italian political landscape. Giorgia Meloni, a member of the far-right “Fratelli d’Italia” party, could become Prime Minister of Italy. The politician has made immigration and the return of a strong Italy her leitmotif during her campaign. The candidate also took the opportunity to surf on the crisis and the decline in purchasing power to federate. Italy has seen a price increase of 8% since the start of the crisis.
As often in times of crisis, Italy turns to anti-system political figures. Recently, Matteo Salvini, known for his virulent exits vis-à-vis immigration, was a member of the government. Comedian Beppe Grillo and his movement promising to “dynamite the political class” won the 2018 elections. For some Italians, Giorgia Meloni embodies a “renewal” and could “change Italy”. She is in any case in a good position to win elections in which the abstention rate could exceed 30%.