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On Sunday September 25, the Italians will elect their representative, who could be Giorgia Meloni, figurehead of the post-fascist movement Fratelli d’Italia.
Many Italians made the trip to the polling stations on Sunday, September 25 to elect the leader who will govern the country. Favorite of the elections, Giorgia Meloni, member of the post-fascist party Fratelli d’Italia, worries some voters in Rome: “I hope that the sovereignists will not apply their program, because otherwise we will have big problems.” Others, like one voter, are delighted to see the 45-year-old woman leading her country. “I am a right-wing voter, so I will be very happy to see Giorgia Meloni in government.”
The one whose motto is “God, family, homeland” has joined forces with Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini to unite the right. Opposite, she faces a fervent supporter of the European Union: Enrico Letta. Not enough to overly enthuse this voter interviewed: “I found this campaign dull, without proposals, but with a lot of aggressiveness”. Polling stations are open until 11 p.m.