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Like every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Friday 24 March.
On RAI, Giorgia Meloni’s priorities in Brussels. The Italian Prime Minister was heard in Brussels on the migration issue and took the opportunity to alert on the financial situation in Tunisia: “If we don’t tackle the problem head-on, there is a risk of seeing an unprecedented wave of migration unleash”. The French president is on the same wavelength, the two leaders are considering bilateral cooperation
Deutsche Bank in turmoil
Deutsche Bank gives cold sweats. In Germany, the country’s largest bank closed down 8.5% in Frankfurt and its shares lost 30% in one month. Despite the reassuring words of the leaders gathered in Brussels: “Deutsche Bank has reorganized and modernized its operation. It is a very profitable bank, there is no reason to worry”. Yet several European banks have been dragged into its turmoil.