Gims who calls not to wish a happy new year, “is not a good proof of assimilation”, for Gérald Darmanin

“Instructions are very clearly given to refuse French nationality, whether one is known or not, when one is a strict Islamist”, assumes the Minister of the Interior.

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Asked about rapper Gims’ new request for French nationality, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin replied on Tuesday January 25 on France Inter that he “assume the fact that instructions are very clearly given to refuse French nationality, whether one is known or not, when one is a supporter of a rigorous Islam”.

The minister refers to a recent controversy, a video published on January 1 in which the singer called on Muslims not to celebrate the new year. “Please leave me with the ‘Happy New Year, New Year’…Leave me with this”, said Gims. The rapper has since apologized in the Sunday newspaper.

Gérald Darmanin recalls that a first request for French nationality was refused in 2017 to the Congolese rapper who has almost always lived in France. “The services of the Ministry of the Interior will be able to reconsider his request – since we will obviously do so – but not to wish a happy new year since it is not in line with what the friends, buddies or brothers of this or that character, however sacred they may be, is not good proof of assimilation to French nationality”, launches the minister.


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