Gims: Rare and touching secrets about his wife Demdem, who “inspires him without knowing it”

While she asked him to describe the young woman of Malian origin, Gims, generally rather discreet about her love story, finally agreed to talk about the subject. “Demdem, oddly, it’s the opposite of me, it’s the antistar“, he first explained, justifying his wife’s discretion on Instagram by the fact that “the networks, sometimes, it breaks his head“.

The young woman, whodoesn’t really talk in his snaps“, is not at all”someone who loves light“, according to her husband, who knows that he is responsible for her “starification“.”It was I who offered him to make this clip of To give everything, it was my idea, it made me happy, I wanted to make her happy because we never saw her and I was always absent, always there. So I wanted to bring her into my world. It’s from there, I decide to make this clip with her, in the United States, we had a real time“, he says.

Married for 17 years, the couple lives between Paris and Marrakech, and takes advantage of their friends, in particular the singer Vitaa. But if he does not expose it, Gims knows everything he owes his wife. “He’s someone who inspires me but without knowing it, I can’t tell him that, you see. But she is inspiring, we have the impression that she is so sure of herself and everything when not at all, she is someone full of doubt, she is someone really normal… Full full of doubts, full of uncertainties but so intelligent, so avant-garde. She has a lot of common sense, she’s a very logical person. He’s a very simple person“, he explains to Magali Berdah, who seems to totally agree.

A pretty statement that the young woman really appreciated: in the caption of the interview, which she reposted in her Instagram story, she added several white hearts and a short sentence intended for her husband “Who knows me better?“. A love like theirs, we love it!

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