Gims married to several women? He finally responds to the persistent rumor of polygamy

Polygamous Gims? The rumor has been circulating for years and some even suggest that his wife Demdem would be aware and would accept the situation. But what is it really? Determined to put an end to this crazy rumor, Gims speaks for the first time on the subject.

After causing a bad buzz with his New Year’s video, the 35-year-old singer has the will to put everything flat. And it is near the Sunday newspaper that he confides this January 23, 2022. At length on this sequence shot on the occasion of the happy new year that he regrets, affirming “having screwed up“, but also on the subject of polygamy.

It’s totally wrongassures Gims. I live with Demdem and the children. I got married once. I never said it publicly.“The singer had never wanted to”dwell on the rumor“but for him”the rumor is extinguished when it reaches the ear of the intelligent“.”I trust the intelligence of the public“, he adds. The rumours, Gims does with and knows that they are inseparable from the life of an artist: “I find that unfair. But it’s part of the road to success, strewn with pitfalls.”

Gims and Demdem – who met in the early 2000s are the parents of four children, but the couple has always remained very evasive on the subject. In December 2020, Demdem confided in the first names chosen for three of them. “I have a little Aïsha. I really chose it out of love for the mother of believers, by dint of reading stories about her. Aisha Lalla Parcke! At the time I knew it was a title in Morocco, with us it’s a first name“, had replied the young woman to a fan. “This is my own Yahya. Yahya Alou. (The equivalent of Ali with us and so that he bears his dad’s first name“, she added. Demdem also mentioned Haby, her youngest born in March 2020, a pregnancy she had experienced in the greatest secrecy. “My youngest daughter is Haby. I call her Habybatou and her dad calls her Habygaelle (Inshallah she doesn’t end up bipops). Haby Catherine in tribute to my mom…“, she had explained.

It was not until 2016 that Gims formalized with Demdem in a video clip, that of To give everything, Bonnie & Clyde way.

Modest and discreet, we don’t say enough about what he does for different associations. For example, in November 2021, the singer raised 1,500,000 euros for Unicef ​​France during the evening United as ever. A sumptuous event, for which all the costs were borne by the artist – the dinner, the organization etc… Nothing was deducted from the donations.

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