Gilles Verdez is going through hell because of “TPMP”

It is never easy to expose yourself to the media, especially in a controversial show that attracts millions of viewers every evening. The chroniclers of TPMP are best placed to talk about it. This Thursday, January 11, 2024, reacting to the numerous burglaries suffered by several celebrities, and to the testimonies provided by Christine Kelly and Oliv Oliv the day before on the threats which regularly target them, Gilles Verdez revealed the hell he experiences in his daily life due to the position of columnist which he occupies in Do not touch My TV for twelve seasons: “I had direct threats (…) It was very complicated. They were targeted threats. I filed a complaint. I really thank the police. It was disclosure of the address with incitement to burglary, incitement to assault, and even more serious explained the journalist and former editor-in-chief of Parisian.

If he wants to thank the police, who according to him showed themselves “very effective”Gilles Verdez, however, had to come up against the impossibility of finding his cyber-stalkers and cyber-aggressors: “My contact details were revealed, and unfortunately, that’s why I found myself at the end of Oliv Oliv’s testimony yesterday, it was dismissed, not for lack of work by the police, but because that they were unable to trace the IP addresses which were at the origin of the disclosure of the contact details explains the most controversial columnist of TPMPwhich regularly finds itself at the heart of lively debates and heated controversies.

“I had to walk around Paris before returning”

Faced with the numerous attacks and threats he suffered, the police and security agents gave valuable advice to Gilles Verdez, which he has scrupulously respected for several years in order to avoid meeting a bad person: Do not go home directly, observe when you have a vehicle (following you), for example from production to the end of the show we have a vehicle that takes us back, it’s also a security measure (…) because before, I came home by public transport, and your teams said no. I was followed by car at one point, I had to drive around Paris before returning (…) I protect myself, we have taken protective measures, I am very, very careful. I’ll take a stupid example: I no longer walk around Paris with my face uncovered. Hood and mask. It may seem stupid to people, but these are direct instructions from security agents and police officers.”

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