Gilles Verdez balances the exorbitant amount of the contract offered by M6 to Benjamin Castaldi

This Friday, April 15, it is not Cyril Hanouna but Benjamin Castaldi that viewers found on C8 in Do not touch My TV. In the magnetos he offered, the host returned to the 35 years of M6, which were celebrated earlier this week. An event to which all the faces that have marked the channel, were invited except the husband of Aurore Aleman. “I am not disappointed but pained (…) I am here to tell you the truth, yes I am sad”did he declare. “We haven’t been together for 15 or 20 years, it looks like a woman who can’t get over the fact that we left her. Unfortunately, that’s the life of television. Sometimes we leave the channels, it’s It’s not easy, there are contracts at stake, we behave as we can. I understand that they were upset but frankly 20 years later…”

The former presenter ofloft or of Secret Story then shared a “scoop”. “I had left M6 to go to TF1 and contrary to what many say, including Mr. Verdez (who implied that his colleague had left, motivated by money), the choice of TF1 was not a choice financial since M6’s proposal was considerable, even colossal for the time and by going to the first channel I was not sure of having as much as on the Six”.

Very big salary!

The former daily editor The Parisian tried to find out the amount of this proposal. “No no, I won’t tell you how much it was but it was huge”, replied the father of Simon, Julien, Enzo and Gabriel before launching the advertisement. Upon her return, Gilles Verdez revealed this sum. “People will be surprised”he began before dropping the song. “One million euros net per year on permanent contracts. More than 80,000 euros net monthly. Is the info good?”. “It was a global contract and then you shouldn’t kidding. Not everyone is who you know (referring to Baba without naming him, editor’s note)”replied the main interested party. “A professional footballer’s salary”outbid Isabelle Morini-Bosc’s table neighbor. “A little footballer then”concluded Benji with a smile.

See also: Benjamin Castaldi distraught: his son Simon Castaldi violently attacks TPMP: “you are a television disgrace”

Frederic Faussurier

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