Gilbert Montagné urgently addresses his “Muslim friends”

Four days after the deadly attack perpetrated by Hamas in Israel, Gilbert Montagné broke his silence. On social networks, the singer of “Tropical Sunlight”of Jewish faith, and fervent supporter of Israel explained to his fans that he had taken the time to “control the eyes of his heart which have been crying since this Saturday, October 7”to finally talk to them.

“When there is peace, because there will be peace”

Horrified by the images he says “see it in your own way, and it’s terrible enough as it is.”the singing star questioned: “How can we still achieve such a level of barbarity in 2023? How can beings be inhabited by evil to this extent? I have always believed in good and I still believe in good.

He unequivocally condemned the Hamas terrorists, and specified: “This movement is not seeking peace in Palestine, it is simply destroying the country right next door, Israel. Well yes it’s not peace he’s looking for, because if there was peace, and when there is peace, because there will be peace, well they have nothing left to sell these extremist people. What they have to sell is misery, ruin, that’s it, it’s in their sales catalog”.

“Hamas shames who you are”

Finally, Gilbert Montagné wished to send “a sign of friendship to the country they tried to destroy, Israel” but not only that. He also sent a message to his “Muslim friends”ensuring: “I’m lucky that they are part of my audience”. To them he declared: “don’t be afraid to express yourself, don’t be afraid to show your kindness, don’t be afraid to say that these people, Hamas, shame your religion, who you are, because you are not not like that, it’s not possible. I kiss you“.


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