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A betrayal for some, an important rallying point for others. Gilbert Collard has just joined Éric Zemmour’s campaign.
To music worthy of a Hollywood production and images posted on Éric Zemmour’s social networks, the two men embrace in front of the cameras before a campaign meeting in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes). Gilbert Collard officially joins the “Candidate Zemmour”. On stage, he justifies his choice in a very theatrical speech: “You are France falling into the well, choking, going badly and needing your hands to get out of the night of despair. Yes, Eric, we are with you, France is with you.”
The MEP turns his back on the National Rally and engages with Eric Zemmour when the former polemicist loses ground and points. “Thank you Gilbert Collard, what passion, what energy, faithful to your convictions, you prefer your country to your party and I welcome you with open arms”, chants Eric Zemmour. A rallying among others which reassures the militants. The National Rally has lost one of Marine Le Pen’s most loyal lieutenants.