Ghost drive-in, Antoine Lachance | The duty

When you find yourself at home, in the middle of ruins, it can be hopeless. It makes you think of what there was before. And then, somewhat in spite of oneself, we find beauty, tenderness, a certain peace of mind, in these vestiges. Inspired by an abandoned drive-in, a bit like a Bruce Springsteen by his Asbury Park, a fallen seaside resort, Antoine Lachance saw life, tenaciously, grow in the interstices of death. His third album thus escapes the ambient sadness, carried by rather dapper and pop music. Not always: for a Beautiful Elodie dance floor from the 1980s, there are The hospital door, by which, let us evoke the lyricist Pierre Huet, the blues definitely do not pass anymore. “A big slip, a cross on the edge of the highway,” sings Antoine: both the most relentless text and the sweetest melody on the album. Which ends with a cover of Vilain Pingouin, The good years, given very, very slowly. A lullaby for ghosts.

Ghost drive-in



Antoine Lachance, Rosemarie Records

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