getting out of fossil fuels, a central issue


Video length: 1 min

COP28: getting out of fossil fuels, a central issue

One of the crucial subjects of COP28 is the exit from fossil fuels, which will more than ever be at the heart of the negotiations between the participating countries. – (franceinfo)

One of the crucial subjects of COP28 is the exit from fossil fuels, which will more than ever be at the heart of the negotiations between the participating countries.

Oil, gas, coal: these fossil fuels are responsible for global warming and still represent 82% of global energy production. According to a UN report, this important production will increase further. “The report predicts that coal production will continue to increase until at least 2030, and oil and gas production will continue until 2050. It is far too late”declares François Gemenne, political scientist specializing in adaptation to global warming.

Some countries still depend on fossil fuels

France wants to put an end to the most polluting energy, coal, and convince COP28 participants to abandon financing new power plants. The Head of State will also defend the tripling of renewable energy capacities by 2030. In the meantime, some countries are still very dependent on fossil fuels. “If we do not give the signal of the terminal phase of fossil energy as we know it, we are preparing for our terminal decline”, alerted Simon Stiel, UN executive secretary on climate change. The 197 participating countries have until December 12 to take stock of actions and find solutions to global warming together.

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