Get to work, big beacon! | The Press

I have been in a period of political detoxification for a few months. After 14 years of dependence on this daily professional “shoot”, decontamination is going well, like the brain curettage site and its civic refresher course.

Posted at 6:29

I also discovered the virtues of silence. Public abstention has done me enormous good, and surely many others. However, it was necessary to resist, the media ogre remains insatiable.

I didn’t think I could fight hyperactivity, but I’m working hard on it. Strange all the same to have laziness as a goal, and not glorious to express it like this.

Lately, in my Saint-Roch neighborhood in Quebec, a stranger taught me a whole lesson in his own way. While I was doing my shopping at the usual pace, he shouted to me: “Eille, Régis, what are you doing here? Are you running after your pony? Slap a little, let’s see, slow down, you’re retired! “I live with great sages. Since then, I try to keep the canasson on my heels…

Emergency “flashbacks” due to function-induced habituation sometimes come to me, but more and more rarely. Only time can allow the synapses to liquidate the stocks of accumulated political inputs. But, on the contrary, the feelings of latitude that I discover every day make me remember how good life is for me, that my ass is lined with noodles!

Not a gesture of the politician’s life has failed me. Zero ! It borders on ingratitude.

In my case, the only passive was physiological. Like a body that dumps you. Mine completely let me go, the bastard! He was looking for energy, poor thing! Imagine! As I have a bad relationship with physical effort, it must have had its day, like the rest. We take a ticket and we patiently wait there!

To sum up, and according to my own criteria of excited, I had become the perfect slacker.

And right in the middle of these divine moments of slowness, here is that Stéphanie Grammond, editorial writer in chief, joins me to offer me to collaborate and write for The Press.

Surprised, I explain to him that I have both feet on the stove, that yes, I like to write, but only when I feel like it, or when someone provokes me, some will recognize themselves. Nice lizard response I thought to myself, in keeping with where I was taking it easy incidentally.

I understand what Madame said, that if necessary, I would have to make a minimum commitment, and start sooner rather than later!

Hire me? Misery ! I invoke the gods of idleness and indolence! In vain…

I was able to save time, of course, but the lady is convincing and here we are today, to my great pleasure. And exactly one year to the day after announcing that I was ending my practice of this extreme sport, politics.

Since this call, to understand the task that was proposed to me, I wondered about what I liked to read in a columnist.

To sum up, I look for the intelligence of the subject or the color of the style, ideally in “combo”.

For example, I savor the arrogance and vocabulary of Franz-Olivier Giesbert, a French veteran of writing, whose weekly editorial in Point alone is worth the investment. His lucid, mushy and electric prose enchants me.

I also let myself be surprised by the style of Kamel Daoud. An Algerian who never gets tired of wiping out the corrupt power of his country, or tirelessly unraveling the twisted discourse of radical Islamism at home. Still under the yoke of a fatwa from a sympathetic imam, one wonders how he manages to sleep.

Like many readers, I also miss Pierre Foglia. His chronicles of singular and hilarious moods made me start my days well. Readings that we absorbed intravenously.

End of the enumeration, and without sycophancy, I salute here the team of The Pressfor which I have great respect.

So I saw my shadow coming out of my lair, and decided to shake my ass. Even though I didn’t expect to be ashamed of the drooling until the fall, the use of a new soft professional drug was on the schedule, absolutely less severe than my consumption of the last few years.

Finally, allow me a little clarification. I’ve already informed the boss that she should remember my status as a happy new retiree. Therefore, mitigating circumstances will exist. Long story short, take note that I’ve become a rabid proponent of the lean schedule.

Well, that’s enough for today. You have to save a little for the rest of the world.

And as we say in Lac-Saint-Jean: get to work, big beacon!

Between us

I tend towards autonomy, and so I started driving again. I’ve already pulled off tricks that would make professional stuntmen blush and, as a result, caused my new vehicle to suffer its first damage, in the days following its acquisition… My friends are sheltered. All this to explain that for public safety purposes, I consider publishing my routes in advance.

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