Get pregnant ? Constantly revived on the subject, Sarah Fraisou says she is encountering serious difficulties…

After experiencing a painful break with Ahmed Thai, Sarah Fraisou made shocking revelations about her ex-husband. Moreover, this story would be in the hands of justice.

Fortunately, the reality TV candidate has found the shoe to fit with her darling Mehdi. Long before getting together with him, she already had a dream in mind: to have a baby. Unfortunately, Sarah Fraisou has encountered several difficulties in getting pregnant and has already spoken about it.

For all the women who have trouble getting pregnant, I was told about a flower that is infused in your tea and drunk from the second day of your period. Apparently, it really has benefits for the body and allows you to get pregnant faster. I will share this with you. But I try to share my feelings with you a little. I know that in this kind of situation, we feel so alone and abnormal that it can cause us doubts, question our role as women and everything. No actually girls, as they say it’s god who gives. If he decided it wasn’t now, it wasn’t now. Afterwards, if you can help yourself with certain things, with today’s medicine, which has evolved a great deal. (…) The more natural is better of course, but there is patience. You have my full support because I know what it is. As I tell you, we don’t talk about it so often that I like to share with you. The important thing is also to take care of yourself, your body, your mood. she explained.

Since then, Sarah Fraisou is regularly questioned on this subject. During a FAQ on Instagram, she wanted to make a point on this subject. “Si you know how much that would be my dream ! I would so much like, right now, to be pregnant. But we don’t necessarily do what we want in life. It’s a question that comes up a lot of times, which is boring. You see so much on social media everyone getting pregnant so quickly. Well no ! life ain’t like thatthe friends. Women struggle a lot to get one and I’m clearly one of them” thus revealed the one who could marry for the fourth time. That is what is said!


See also: Sarah Fraisou racaille? She answers

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