“Get out Teheiura”, Internet users react en masse to a surprising announcement by Denis Brogniart to the adventurers of “Koh-Lanta”!

In the previous season of Koh Lanta, Teheiura’s cheating disappointed more than one and this earned him his departure from the adventure. “My gesture is irreparable and it will serve as a lesson to me. I betrayed the law of Koh Lanta. I’m sorry I crossed that red line. It’s not worthy of an adventurer” he said sorry before leaving.

Asked about this by our colleagues from Parisian, Teheira then explained:I see a person on his boat looking towards me, I was on the beach. I gave him a sign, I couldn’t resist, unlike every time my adventurer friends asked me to do it. I didn’t speak to him, he was quite far away. A little later, he showed me a place with his finger. I went there and saw some food, definitely leftovers from his meal. At that point, not far out in the water, there were other adventurers I shared with.”

Even if he is not in the game, Teheiura found himself in the news despite everything during the new episode of Koh Lanta. And for good reason, Denis Brogniart revealed that comfort would be a big helping hand from a local on the island. And inevitably, this gave free rein to the imagination of Twittos who already imagined the former emblematic adventurer to be in the game. Very quickly, the candidate found himself in Top Trends on the social network.

Thus, we could read messages about him saying: “Teheiura he’s going to land with his food for the winning team”, “PTDRRRRRR I thought Denis was going to say that it was Teheiura who was coming” or “Puree TEHEIURA it’s your moment there’s a place freeing up there !!!!!!”, “Denis said “someone who lives here” I immediately thought of Téhéiura as if he lived on all the islands of # KohLanta”, “Teheiura wouldn’t have been stupid, it would be him instead of the villager”, “Teheiura’s replacement is not happy, it seems” and “Wow He changed Teheiura a lot in 3 months”, “I thought it was Teheiura who was going to show up to teach them about survival but hey”.

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