Get out of your comfort zone, the Tranna Wintour way

The rise of Tranna Wintour is an edifying example of surpassing oneself. Since leaving reality TV Big Brother Celebrities last spring, the comedian and host carved out a special place for herself in the quebec star system. After scouring the festival stages in recent months, she will present her first solo performance of the year on Friday.

“In general, I’m not one to get into situations that take me out of my comfort zone. I’m even very attached to it, admits Tranna Wintour at To have to. But 9 times out of 10, it’s worth it. »

The game was worth the candle with Big Brother, where she was exposed to the general public by being filmed 24 hours a day. “It was not something I dreamed of doing. On the contrary, the very principle of Big Brother is honestly my biggest nightmare. It really pushed me beyond my limits. »

Tranna Wintour does not hide the fact that she took part first and foremost to give impetus to her career and to gain visibility. It’s mission accomplished. In addition to hosting his own gala as part of Dr. Mobilo Aquafest, a Montreal festival that showcases original concepts, the English-speaking comedian who recently made a career in his second language took to the stage this year at Juste pour rire, Just for Laughs and ComédiHa!, in addition to performing at various events.

Improvise your way

For the first time since the French-speaking public discovered her, she will present a solo on Friday during an entirely improvised show. Another way to surpass yourself. Especially since 3600 Seconds: An Improvised Hour with Tranna Wintour will be his very first bilingual performance.

Difficult to know more about the content of his show, since the main interested party does not know it herself. ” The show going to be a surprise to me too, but I have a few topic ideas in mind. One of them is his celibacy. “I’d like to talk about this issue, the messages I grew up with as a trans person and how it impacts my romantic life,” she reveals. As a “pop culture obsessive”, as she defines herself, everything suggests that she will also refer to some of her idols, including Alanis Morissette and Barbra Streisand, both mentioned during our interview.

Tranna Wintour does things her own way: “I give myself permission to have moments that aren’t necessarily funny. Yes, it is stand upbut it is storytelling also. I want to remove the pressure to make people laugh at all costs. »

This pressure, she feels it when she participates in large-scale festivals, especially when she finds herself in front of a crowd that does not know her. “It gives me some anxiety. Is it an audience that will understand me? Is it a conservative audience? she asks herself.

Again, Tranna Wintour is stepping out of her comfort zone. With experience, she has learned not to worry when you don’t react to her jokes, even if it’s always “painful” and “uncomfortable”. “A lot of comedians say if the audience isn’t laughing, it’s your fault. I really don’t agree with that. It’s like people who think the customer is always right. I’ve worked enough years in customer service to say that the customer really isn’t always right! »

just one person

Known trans personalities in Quebec can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Tranna Wintour’s participation in Big Brother has demystified her reality for many viewers, which has earned her the current mention at the Mammoth gala among 15 inspiring people.

” TO Big Brother, people who were transphobic just knew me as a person. Not like a trans person; just like a person! she specifies. It changed their perspective. That’s really amazing. »

For someone who has already received transphobic slurs while on stage, it shows how far she has come, even though trans people are still underrepresented according to her. In this respect, another success that Tranna Wintour had in 2022 was to find herself on the cover of the magazine Vero. “A dream come true” for her, who salutes the openness and acceptance that this consecration represents.

All that remains is for him to animate his own talk show and cover the 7 days, two dreams she has had since childhood. “I want to have the full experience of being a Quebec star and, yes, that absolutely includes being on the cover of the 7 days ! she enthuses, laughing.

3600 Seconds: An Improvised Hour with Tranna Wintour

At the Le Scaphandre social club, November 25, at 8 p.m.

To see in video

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