“Get out!”, in full live, Cyril Hanouna asks Guillaume Genton to leave the set of “TPMP” after talking about his private life

This Monday, May 30, 2022, Cyril Hanouna returned to the Exclusive Survey issue broadcast on M6, this Sunday, May 29. An episode dedicated to new gurus who try to cure all kinds of ailments and bring about inner well-being with wacky, sometimes dangerous techniques.

While the columnists gave their opinions on the subject, the host turned to Géraldine Maillet to tell her that she had not tested prana, referring to the Sanskrit term which evokes both the notions of breath and of the vital principle of the breath and its organic manifestation in the breath, but that it goes on the other hand to Prada. What to wake up Guillaume Genton who then declared: “Well yes, with you”.

Cyril Hanouna asks Guillaume Genton to leave the set
After this assertion, Bernard Montiel then insinuated that if the troublemaker of the PAF goes to the famous Italian fashion house, it is to prepare his end-of-year gift. Cyril Hanouna astonished then turned to Guillaume Genton: “I gave you a gift” he asked. And the latter to answer: “Well yes, we took your jet, don’t you remember?”.

Faced with this surprising revelation, the host then asked his columnist to leave the set. “Get out” he suddenly launched in front of the other hilarious columnists. “Pardon, I love you Cyril” then tried Guillaume Genton to catch up… in vain.

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Aliénor de la Fontaine

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