Gérôme Blois (Large families): The criterion that could have cost him his relationship with Diana

Like the Dols, the Pellissards or the Jeansons, the Blois family was revealed to the general public in Large families, life in XXL, on TF1. Diana and her husband Gérôme are at the head of a beautiful and large blended family. Thank you dating sites.

Before meeting the man of her life, Diana Blois was already the mother of seven children. Gérôme was the father of a daughter. And, once ready to find true love, the two candidates turned, like many people, to a dating site. And it has been more than beneficial for them. “We met on a dating site. When I saw his photo, I fell in love. I was looking for someone childless, I must have made a mistake in my search“, remembered the father of the family in one of the episodes of Large families, life in XXL. The greatest mistake of his life since today he is a fulfilled man.

Asked by TF1 in 2020, the lovers had already confided in their meeting. Gérôme had explained that he was not necessarily looking to couple a woman who was already a mother. It’s a “Thunderbolt“who brought them together.”So becoming the stepfather of 7 children all at once didn’t scare me at all.“, he had declared. And Diana to add: “We very quickly lived together and decided to have a child. Juliet was born.

Fortunately for the Blois, all the children got along very quickly. They spoke of a magical encounter and bonds that were quickly woven. In short, a real fairy tale that has been going on for six years now. Last October, Diana and Gérôme indeed celebrated their six years of love. “6 years of love… to understand each other without necessarily speaking. 6 years that you make me laugh until I can no longer. 6 years of wonderful, fabulous memories etched forever. 6 years of supporting each other at times, it must be said, but love always takes over. 6 years since you came to live with my pretty package and me. You weren’t scared, you went for it… obvious, as I always say. 6 years that we form a beautiful and pretty tribe to us 11 that we grow up with our children. 6 years and still decades to come my darling love. I love you as much as I can, I love you and I do my best“, had written the charming brunette on Instagram. And to reveal that their first kiss had been exchanged … in the parking lot of a Carrefour, after a Mac Do.

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