Germany warns of “humanitarian catastrophe” in case of offensive in Rafah

An Israeli army offensive on the town of Rafah would be “a predicted humanitarian catastrophe”alerted German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Saturday February 10, on. “Israel must defend itself against the terror of Hamas, but by alleviating the suffering of the civilian population as much as possible“, estimates the head of German diplomacy, who recalls that this city in the south of the Gaza Strip is home to “1.3 million people [qui] seek protection from fighting in a very limited space”. Follow our live stream.

Strikes in the Rafah sector. Early Saturday, witnesses told AFP of strikes in the vicinity of the city, which Israel designated as the new target of its military operation in the Palestinian enclave. Friday, Benjamin Netanyahu asked the Israeli army to prepare a “combined plan” of“evacuation” civilians from Rafah and “destruction” of Hamas. “We warn of a catastrophe and a massacre which could result in tens of thousands of martyrs and injured”Hamas said in a statement.

Fights in progress. The Minister of Health of the Hamas government counted, in the evening and night of Friday to Saturday, 110 deaths, including 25 in strikes in Rafah, and reported “intense fights” Saturday in the Nasser hospital in Khan Younès. A report that Franceinfo is unable to confirm, due to lack of independent verification. On Friday, Israeli forces stormed the city’s other major hospital, al-Amal.

End of a new round of negotiations. Talks organized in Cairo (Egypt) between Qatari and Egyptian mediators and Hamas, to try to reach a truce agreement, ended on Friday. “The Hamas delegation left Cairo”declared a Hamas official, who said, without further details, “wait for a response from Israel”.

source site-24