Germany urges Russia to withdraw troops from border

What there is to know

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected Tuesday February 15 in Moscow, in search of a diplomatic solution to avoid a war in Ukraine, while more than 100,000 Russian soldiers are massed at the borders. A few hours before his arrival, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock asked Moscow to “withdraw troops” of the border with Ukraine, considering that “The situation could escalate at any time.” Follow our live.

Russia must seize the “offers of dialogue”. On Monday in Kiev, Olaf Scholz urged Russia to seize the “dialog offers”. In the event of an attack, warned the German Chancellor, “we will take far-reaching measures which will have a significant impact on the possibilities of economic development in Russia”.

Moscow has strengthened its positions, according to Washington. Russia further strengthened its military posture on Ukraine’s borders over the weekend, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Monday. Vladimir Poutine “continues to send additional forces along this border with Ukraine, including over the weekend, and it has well over 100,000 [hommes]“, he said on CNN.

A Russian military offensive is very likely, judge Le Drian. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Monday that “all the elements” were gathered for a military offensive “strong” from Russia to Ukraine. Guest of the program “C à vous” on France 5, he however underlined that “nothing indicates today” that Vladimir Putin has made a decision.

The invasion planned for this Wednesday? Media have raised Wednesday as a potential day for a Russian invasion. A hypothesis that the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, seemed to sweep away. “We are told that February 16 will be the day of the attack. We will make it a day of unity,” he said in an address to the nation, calling on Ukrainians to hang the blue and yellow national flag that day.

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