Germany turns to nuclear, the anger of farmers in the Netherlands



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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday August 3rd.

Germany is in favor of extending the operation of nuclear power plants. With the war in Ukraine, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, anticipates the end of deliveries of Russian gas, on which the country is very dependent. To remedy this, he intends to turn more to nuclear power. An activity that Germany was to abandon in 2030.

In the Netherlands, the anger of farmers. To fight against pollution and limit greenhouse gases, the government plans to reduce nitrogen emissions. They come in particular from fertilizers and livestock effluents deemed to be too high. An unacceptable decision for an entire profession. The Dutch government also intends to reduce the number of farms.

In the United Kingdom, the hospitalization of a young boy revives the debate on life support. Since April, 12-year-old Archie has been considered brain dead but kept alive in a London hospital. The British justice had authorized in mid-July to end the care contrary to the opinion of the parents determined to give him a last chance to get out of it.

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