Germany soon without Russian gas?



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Germany might have to live without Russian gas. In Spain, inflation is approaching the symbolic bar of 10%.

The Germans are preparing to compose without Russian gas. Russia could turn off the tap on Thursday March 31 and demand payment in rubles, which the G7 refused. Therefore, Germany, but also Austria, have decided to establish an emergency plan. If Vladimir Putin follows through on his threats, then Germany would have to ration energy or even shut down its factories. Growth forecasts have been revised downwards.

Inflation is close to 10% in Spain on Wednesday March 30, it is a first since 1985. It has increased by 2% in one month and by 10% compared to last year. At the political level, the right blames the socialists. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez assures him that “Three quarters of the increase is due to soaring energy prices, unprocessed food and all of this is aggravated by the war in Ukraine”. A provisional aid plan of six billion euros has been put in place.

Russian cosmonaut Anton Chkaplerov has handed over the keys to the International Space Station (ISS) to his American counterpart Thomas Marshburn. “I think the ISS is a symbol of friendship”says Anton Chkaplerov, who has since landed in the steppes of Kazakhstan.

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