German group BMG acquires Jean-Michel Jarre’s catalog and announces a new “immersive” album in September

After Lenny Kravitz and Kylie Minogue, it’s the turn of the catalog of electronic music giant Jean-Michel Jarre to pass into the hands of the German music management group BMG. “A new beginning” for the artist, who announced a new “immersive” album for September.

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France Televisions

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The German music management group BMG announced on July 21 that it had acquired the rights to the historical repertoire of French electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre. The acquisition, the amount of which has not been disclosed, “is the biggest contract ever concluded by BMG in France”, the group said in a statement. It is part of a strong trend in the purchase of music rights by heavyweights in the sector, attracted by the gains generated by the “streaming”.

To the key to this transaction for BMG, which already owns the rights to the sound recordings of the artist’s first three albums? Classics such as the album Oxygenthe artist’s first worldwide success, or Equinox. The group already controls the title rights of several leading artists, such as Lenny Kravitz or Kylie Minogue.

Jean-Michel Jarre, 73, has sold 85 million albums during his career and broken several records with spectacular concerts around the world such as the one organized at Paris-La Défense in 1990, which brought together 2.5 million of people. More recently, the streaming of his concert in computer graphics, performed in the heart of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral to celebrate the transition to 2021, had attracted 75 million people, recalls BMG.

It’s a new beginning that allows me to develop new ideas and gives me the means to explore new territories.

Jean Michel Jarre

“I am happy that my catalog fund is housed here in Europe and that my work continues to develop in such good hands”said Jean-Michel Jarre, quoted in the press release. “It’s a new beginning that allows me to develop new ideas and gives me the means to explore new territories. Together, we will prosper”, he concludes. The artist, keen on new technologies, continues to compose and invest in the virtual worlds of the metaverse. The release of his new album “in immersive mode” is scheduled for September, his entourage told AFP.

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