Gérard Louvin and her husband accused of raping minors: the investigations closed without further action!

A page turns. For Gérard Louvin, an essential producer of the small screen, and her husband Daniel Moyne, the time is for relief. As revealed by AFP on Monday April 4, 2022, the two investigations for “rape of minors” in which they were accused were closed without follow-up by the Paris prosecutor’s office. According to sources familiar with the matter, the decision was made last January.

These two investigations were opened in January and August 2021 by the Paris prosecutor’s office. In the context of the first, the dismissal was chosen because of the prescription of the supposed facts whereas, in the case of the second investigation, it is on the grounds of “insufficiently characterized offence” that the dismissal was required. For the lawyers of the two men, who have always denied the charges against them, this is obviously a huge victory. “It is a fair application of the criminal law, it is quite normal that Gérard Louvin is completely exonerated by French justice“, commented his lawyer, Christophe Ayela. “It’s a victory. Justice has been served, it is a great relief, it was a long and painful procedure for my client. We are happy to have trusted our legal system, because today, their honor is washed“, reacted Céline Bekerman, lawyer for Daniel Moyne.

Unfortunately, in this kind of case, the media court has already done damage…

As a reminder, the ugly affair began in January 2021 when Olivier, nephew of Gérard Louvin, filed a complaint against his uncle accusing him of having “favored“of the rapes of which he was allegedly the victim in the 1980s by Daniel Moyne. Subsequently, several other complaints for “rape” and “sexual assault” against the couple had been filed in Paris, and a preliminary investigation had been opened by the capital’s public prosecutor’s office.

At the beginning of August, the Paris prosecutor’s office had opened another investigation, also “for rape of minors”, after an indirect testimony accusing the two men of organizing “paying sexual parties with minors from the favelas” in Brazil in 2004, which they disputed. This other procedure “has meanwhile been dismissed”, also in January, “due to an insufficiently characterized offense”, also indicated the Paris prosecutor’s office.

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