Gérard Leclerc (The hour of the pros): His wife is as famous as him

CNews viewers are familiar with his face. Gerard Leclerc appear in the show Time for the pros and replaces presenter Pascal Praud in his absence. But perhaps they did not know that the 71-year-old journalist was in a relationship and even married (since 1981) to a famous host.

The former employee of France Télévisions is indeed happy in love and has been for many years. Before being appointed head of the economic service of RMC radio (1985), Gérard Leclerc made his debut on the radio as an editor-reporter (before becoming a journalist in the economic service) on the waves of Europe 1. station to which he remained faithful for no less than seven years. It was on the premises that he crossed paths with a woman whom listeners know as Julie (Chantal Séloron of her real name), one of the great voices of French radio.

It was in 1972 that she took her first steps on Europe 1. A station from which she was dismissed in July 2021 after forty-nine years of good and loyal service. “I confirm this morning my departure from Europe 1 which is not my fault and which occurs at the same time as that of Nicolas Canteloup whose partner I was [dans La Revue de presque, depuis 2005, NDLR]”, had confided the 77-year-old host to AFP. She also said to herself “very sad” of this news. His departure had taken place in a particular context within Europe 1. The station was then experiencing an internal crisis which led to the departure of several emblematic figures such as Anne Roumanoff, Bertrand Chameroy, Patrick Cohen, Pascale Clark or again Wendy Bouchard.

But Julie Leclerc quickly rebounded. She was indeed recruited by Laurent Ruquier in order to integrate his band of Big heads, in August 2021. On the private side, she is the happy mother of three children, the fruit of her union with Gérard Leclerc: the twins Antoine and Mathieu (born in 1982) and a daughter named Charlotte (born in 1987). But her husband and she prefer to remain discreet about their little cocoon.

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