The Senate president spoke with Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday and said he had “pleaded for us to take time, to skip the important period where we welcome the world to the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games.”
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The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, called on Thursday July 11 on BFMTV-RMC to “climb over” Olympics before forming new government “in September”excluding going to Matignon himself, where he hopes that Gabriel Attal will be kept on until the start of the school year.
Like Emmanuel Macron, who said he wanted “give some time” to the parties for “building compromises” After legislative elections without a clear winner, Gérard Larcher does not intend to rush into designating the future Prime Minister.
The two men met on Tuesday, before the head of state published his “letter to the French” in the regional press. “I have been advocating that we take time, that we get past the important period where we welcome the world to the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games, and then, in early September, we get into the phase that is the consequence of these elections.”said the Senate President, with the next budget to be presented in mind “before the end of September”.
So it means extending Gabriel Attal’s lease at Matignon by two months. “This is the option I defended”added Gérard Larcher, noting like the President of the Republic that “no one has a majority, even a relative one” and hoping that “clarification will come from Parliament.”