Gérard Larcher brushes aside the idea of ​​a coalition with the presidential camp

The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, brushed aside, on Tuesday June 4, the rumor of a rapprochement between the Republicans and the presidential camp after the European elections, increasing the pressure on Emmanuel Macron, whose omnipresence in the campaign continues to outrage oppositions. “I don’t want to be Macron’s Prime Minister”he launched during the weekly meeting of the LR group in the Senate, assuring that he wanted “to silence” rumors “intended to weaken our camp”, reported several participants. Follow our live stream.

Dlast debate of the main leaders of the list. Less than five days before the European elections, several candidates debated on France 2, and simultaneously on France Inter, their vision for Europe in the program “L’Evénement”. Here’s what you need to remember.

The RN at the top of the polls. Given between 32 and 33% of voting intentions, Jordan Bardella is well ahead of Valérie Hayer’s list (between 14% and 16%), according to the various opinion surveys. The head of the Renaissance list is closely followed by the representative of the Socialist Party, Raphaël Glucksmann, whom polling institutes credit with between 13% and 14% of voting intentions.

Valérie Hayer regrets having to endure “vain controversies after vain controversies”. “Since the start of the campaign, I have suffered, quote unquote, vain and sterile controversies after vain controversiesregrets the head of the presidential camp’s list. The Prime Minister is involved in the campaign, he is considered too involved.” This outburst from Valérie Hayer comes after Gabriel Attal burst onto the stage of the Radio France auditorium on Monday, while she was interviewed by franceinfo.

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