The President of the Senate estimated that “it is now up to Joël Guerriau to take his responsibilities, until the justice system and the police services can clarify the facts.”
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Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate, asked Senator Joël Guerriau on Monday, November 20 to “withdraw from all activities related to his mandate”after the indictment of the parliamentarian, suspected of having drugged a deputy, with a view to committing rape or sexual assault.
“It is now up to Mr. Joël Guerriau to take his responsibilities, until the justice system and the police services can clarify the facts”estimated Gérard Larcher in a press release, emphasizing “the extreme seriousness of the facts alleged against the senator and [le] principle of dignity which attaches to the exercise of the parliamentary mandate”.
After ensuring that “LThe Senate is fully cooperating with the investigation.”specifying that“a search took place in the senator’s office on November 16, 2023” and “documents were handed over to the police the same day”the President of the Senate recalled that “s“only the courts could, if necessary, dismiss him from his parliamentary mandate, at the end of the criminal procedure”.