Gérard Depardieu soon deprived of his Russian passport and his property? After his criticisms, the threat hovers

While the war waged by Russia against Ukraine is almost unanimously condemned by public opinion, one would have thought that Gérard Depardieu would maintain his support for his friend President Vladimir Poutine. But no, even he first called for negotiations to end the armed conflict before outright denouncing the “unacceptable excesses“Russian leaders! Words that could cost him dearly.

The Kremlin reacted quickly to the criticisms of the actor of Skinny and offered him, Friday, April 1, of him “to explain“the conflict in Ukraine believing that it does not”included“not the situation.”I think that Depardieu probably does not understand everything that is happening, because he is not totally immersed in political news (…) If necessary, we are ready to tell him and explain it to him in order that he understands better. If he wishes“, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. But the attacks on the famous 73-year-old actor have made waves far beyond the corridors of the Kremlin…

A Russian deputy, Sultan Khamzaev, called on the authorities to strip him of Russian citizenship and transfer his real estate in the country to charities ! As a reminder, Gérard Depardieu received a Russian passport in 2013.”It is important to talk about the need to withdraw his passport from Gérard Depardieu for his presumptuous attacks and his claim to speak on behalf of the Russian people, who have not delegated this right to him“Said Sultan Khamzaev, quoted by the Russian agencies. Will his request bear fruit or Vladimir Putin – whose head has been put on the head by a wealthy businessman – will be lenient towards the actor who has long showered him with praise?

As a reminder, Gérard Depardieu has several passports and the actor, recently starring in the film Robust, even revealed that he had obtained Dubai nationality! The actor has announced that he wants to sell his Parisian mansion to live on a boat.

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