In an interview given to the magazine “Elle”, published on Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron returned to numerous subjects linked in particular to women’s rights and sexual violence. He also provided details on the future “birth leave”.
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“There is no complacency in me”declared, in an interview with the magazine She published Wednesday May 8, the President of the Republic about Gérard Depardieu. The president returned to his statements at the end of December on the show “C à vous” where he said he was “great admirer” of the French actor indicted for rape. In this interview with women’s weeklyEmmanuel Macron returned to other controversial statements such as that on the “demographic rearmament” but also announced the opening of a debate on the role on “the duty of fathers” and wished that we could “define in our law” the notion of consent. He also made announcements about future parental leave. Franceinfo summarizes this interview for you.
On Gérard Depardieu
The president returned to comments he made at the end of December, when he said he “great admirer of Gérard Depardieu”denounced “a manhunt” and claimed that the actor “makes France proud”. “I have never defended an aggressor against victimsassures Emmanuel Macron in this interview. I spoke about Gérard Depardieu because there was quite a controversy over comments made in a documentary, and on the question of the Legion of Honor. However, I am in favor of listening.”
“There is no complacency on my part. Just a desire to respect our principles, such as the presumption of innocence. These same principles which will allow justice to rule next October and that is a good thing.”
Emmanuel Macronin “She”
“I have deep respect, kindness and great confidence for and in the words of women”adds the president, who assures that he is “uncompromising on the issue of rape, domination, this culture of brutality. My priority is and has always been the protection of victims, and this is also the case for the Depardieu affair”.
“I used the expression ‘manhunt’ in a gender-neutral way, if I can put it that way. I don’t like media trials, justice by tweets, and in general. We are in a society which seeks to kill people in a few days, then which forgets them, I am more in the fight, in the maquis.he finishes.
On the future “birth leave”
Emmanuel Macron was also questioned about the government’s plan for “birth leave”, which aims to replace the current parental leave and which the president wants “shorter and better paid”. Concretely, this will take the form of work leave. “three months for mothers, three months for fathers, cumulative during the child’s first year”. They will be compensated “up to 50% of salary” up to 1,900 euros, the Social Security ceiling.
“Birth leave” will come into force at the end of 2025 and “is added to paternity and maternity leave”, specifies Emmanuel Macron. At theCurrently, parental leave, which can be requested from the end of maternity leave or adoption leave and until the child’s third birthday, can last up to one year, specifies the administration website.
On “demographic rearmament”
During a press conference in mid-January, Emmanuel Macron spoke of his desire for a “demographic rearmament” to combat the decline in the birth rate. An expression which had sparked controversy and criticism, particularly from feminist associations. “I used it by extending the metaphor into other sectorsjustifies the president. This is to say that the strength of a nation also lies in its capacity to generate a dynamic birth rate.” For Emmanuel Macron, “every woman must freely dispose of her body” and “we must not make those who do not want to have children feel guilty, but the poor organization of our society must not prevent women and families from having children if They want it.”
He specified that his plan to combat infertility would revolve around “prevention”, of “course” and some “research”. He thus asserts that a “fertility check-up”, around the age of 20, would be offered to all and reimbursed by health insurance in order to“establish a complete assessment, spectrogram, (or) ovarian reserve”. “We are going to organize campaigns in favor of self-preservation of oocytes for women who want to have children later,” he also indicated.
On PMA and GPA
To reduce waiting times to access a PMA – currently 16 to 24 months – Emmanuel Macron intends to“open oocyte self-preservation to private centers” was “until now reserved for hospitals”. On the other hand, the Head of State renews in this interview She his opposition to surrogacy (GPA). “I repeat, I am not in favor of it. It is not compatible with the dignity of women, it is a form of commodification of their bodies”he insists.
“That said, I obviously think that parents of children born through surrogacy abroad must be respected and supported. They are loving families,” he adds.
On the “duty of fathers”
“We allowed men to exempt themselves from all their parental duties”deplores the President of the Republic, who sees “a real inequality”. Emmanuel Macron wishes to open the debate on “the role of fathers”. “I am in favor of returning to a logic of rights and duties, including for fathers”says the president who pleads for “no longer just a right but a duty of visitation, a duty of monitoring, education, pursuit of the parental project” even after “separation of a couple when it occurs”.
On the notion of consent in the law
Emmanuel Macron wishes that we can “define in our law” the notion of consent, so that it is “clear, fully objective and respectful of our principles”. A proposed text, prepared by parliamentarians and Éric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of Justice, should “see the light of day by the end of the year”specifies the president.
On menopause
The President of the Republic also announced a parliamentary mission on menopause, in order to establish “the state of current care (…) and the difficulties encountered by women in terms of information and follow-up.” “Today, many women think that the treatments are not suitable. I would like to obtain clear recommendations”continued Emmanuel Macron.