“I am neither a rapist nor a predator,” assures the actor, publicly accused by at least fifteen women of sexist and sexual violence.
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He says he speaks for “say [sa] truth”. In a short open letter published by Le FigaroSunday October 1, Gérard Depardieu responds to multiple accusations of sexist and sexual violence to which he has been the subject for several years. “Never, ever, have I abused a woman”proclaims the actor, indicted since December 2020 for rape and sexual assault on actress Charlotte Arnould.
If Gérard Depardieu concedes that he could “hurt” And “chock” when he “tested the limits” And “shake up the certainties” in his profession as an actor, he challenges the portrait that many women have painted of him. “I’m not a rapist or a predator. I’m just a man…”he says.
Numerous accusations of inappropriate sexual acts
In an article published in Mediapart last April, thirteen women accuse the actor of inappropriate sexual acts and remarks committed on film sets between 2004 and 2022. It is to denounce this behavior attributed to the actor that several demonstrations were organized to disrupt his shows in the spring.
“Now I can no longer make his voice heard. In the media court, to the lynching that has been reserved for me, I have only my word to oppose”he advances in the columns of Figaro. His lawyers had already denounced this “media court” last May, when an assistant director accused Gérard Depardieu on France Inter of sexual assault on set in 2015.