Gérard Depardieu cold with his ex-partner Elisabeth? The whole truth about their amazing relationship

The private life of Gérard Depardieu has always fascinated the media … but also his admirers. For more than twenty years, the actor has spun the perfect love with Elisabeth Depardieu. The duo met in 1970 in a theater class. Madly in love with each other, the two artists get married in the process. Together, they will have two children named Guillaume, who died in 2008 and Julie. But the couple ended up breaking up in the early 90s. Subsequently, the actor will find love again with Karine Silla. From their relationship will be born their daughter Roxane. After their separation, Gérard Depardieu will live a beautiful story with Carole Bouquet, Hélène Bizot and Clémentine Igou.

If Elisabeth Depardieu separated from the father of her children in 1992, it was not until 2000 that they launched divorce proceedings. It will be enacted six years later. Despite their separation, the duo have always maintained a good relationship. “When I got married, it was part of a kind of balance, at the same time as the words that I rediscovered and the theater that I approached”, she confided in the columns of the magazine She in 2020.

Often attacked in the tabloids, Gérard Depardieu has always been able to count on the infallible support of the latter. In 2012, the star hit the headlines by buying a property in Belgium for tax benefits. In the turmoil, Elisabeth Depardieu then stepped up to defend it. “When you look at the house he chose in Belgium, he didn’t intend to live there anyway. He who loves beautiful things so much, even if he can do without them. Do you see him on the side of a road, in a house like that, spooky? “, she said on RTL.

Louise Depardieu’s grandmother was also out of its hinges when public opinion criticized her ex-husband for his close relationship with Vladimir Poutin. His desire to become a Russian citizen had ignited the powder. “People are unleashed because he represents a lot. He represents France. It is all the more absurd to hit him like that, when it was perhaps so easy to get him back”, had analyzed Elisabeth Depardieu for RTL specifying that the latter was a person “extremely unhappy.”.

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