Gérard Depardieu challenges Vladimir Poutine: “I am against this fratricidal war!”

One more voice for peace. Even if his declarations will not bend the ruthless master of the Kremlin, Gérard Depardieu belatedly took a stand against the war in Ukraine – a country to which he had been banned from entering after saying that Ukraine was part of Russia – which raged for several days after its invasion by the troops of Vladimir Putin.

It was during a brief phone call to AFP on Tuesday March 1, 2022, that the legendary actor – who obtained a Russian passport in 2013 – spoke about this armed conflict which is hitting the Old Continent. “Russia and Ukraine have always been brother countries. I am against this fratricidal war. I say: ‘Stop the guns and negotiate!’“, said Gérard Depardieu. Delegations from the two countries also met for the first time for talks on February 28 and a new session of negotiations is soon to take place while the Russian military continues to bombard and attack. For the time being, the capital Kiev remains in the hands of President Volodymyr Zelensky, hailed by the international community for his courage and coolness in the face of Vladimir Putin who, according to the Timessent mercenaries (those of the Wagner militia) with a specific mission: to assassinate him!

This war is moving the whole world and many are speaking out, especially among athletes; Russia, for example, has been officially excluded from the 2022 Football World Cup. The statements of Gérard Depardieu – who recently revealed that he has also obtained Dubai citizenship and wants to sell his real estate in France – are unexpected since we know his admiration and fascination for Vladimir Putin. The 73-year-old actor, who we find in quick succession at the cinema in the films Maigret and Robust has several times had the opportunity to discuss his friendship with the maligned Russian president…”Putin is not a torturer, it is the journalists who make him a Stalinist“, he said in particular in 2014. Words that have aged badly …

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