Gérard Depardieu accused of rape: his alleged victim expresses himself, “I can no longer be silent”

To continue to keep silent is to bury me alive …

He has been indicted for a year. He works while I spend my time surviving. This life has eluded me for 3 years and I want to live without denying myself. This speech is likely to be a huge shock in my life, I gain absolutely nothing except the hope of regaining my integrity, she adds. Perhaps I should have waited, gone through a medium, done that ‘in order’, done that ‘well’, but to keep silent is to bury myself alive …“, she continues.

Charlotte Arnould had filed a complaint against Gérard Depardieu at the Lambesc gendarmerie, in Bouches-du-Rhones, at the end of August 2018. The legal proceedings opened in Aix-en-Provence against the future hero of the film Maigret (in theaters April 6, 2022) had been repatriated to Paris. He had been heard by the police during an open hearing. The case was dismissed by the Paris prosecutor’s office after nine months of investigation, during which several CCTV cameras from Gérard Depardieu’s home (and place of the alleged rapes) were analyzed by the police from the 3rd district of the Parisian PJ. The videos allowed them to capture what happened in the living room, but not in the bedroom. “We see, during the first meeting, the two actors discussing, then the famous actor practicing a digital penetration to the young actress, before they go upstairs one after the other, where no camera is missing. ‘is installed“, explain our colleagues from Parisian.

In August 2020, the alleged victim had obtained a legal remedy by becoming a civil party, allowing the almost automatic appointment of a judge to relaunch the investigations.

Gérard Depardieu, him, spoke only once on this subject. “There is no proof, there is nothing against me and therefore I am sincerely quiet. I can’t do nothing but dismiss all accusations in the clearest way, as I had already done“, he told the daily La Repubblica, Thursday, February 25, 2021. For me, the investigation was closed, I am innocent and I need not be afraid. This is why I have always remained calm and aware that the accusations are unfounded. So I was prepared and knew that I will face this eventuality fearlessly and with confidence in justice.

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