Gérard Darmon turns on Edwy Plenel: tense exchanges in We are live

Invited on February 5, 2022 on the set of the show We are live hosted by Laurent Ruquier, Edwy Plenel promoted his new book Left of the impossible and warned of the dangerousness of Eric Zemmour’s speech. Quickly, Gérard Darmon insisted on reframing the journalist by qualifying him as a “kind of bogeyman of politics“. Apparently very upset against the president of Mediaparthe adds : “Edwy Plenel is a man who trembles when he speaks, it’s something quite disturbing. I feel like I’ve been hearing this discourse for four centuries. It’s been a long time since I heard that, I have the impression that he pushes open doors. (…) You know everything and nothing else!”

Obviously having no consideration for this journalist, Gérard Darmon indicates that the remarks have, in essence, no interest and he does not hesitate to compare him to “Tartuffe“.”The epitome of what you said tonight is not much in fact because you are alerting us to what? Speeches by Zemmour, the far right, the dangers in relation to democracy, the power of the rich over the hyper-rich over the media, I’m sure everyone knows that.” adds the actor.

Trying to answer, Edwy Plenel is then attacked on the article of his newspaper having denounced the holidays of the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, in Ibiza. “Is Mr. Blanquer’s vacation in Ibiza very important?asks, a little mockingly, Laurent Ruquier.All the teachers understood what it meant” replies Edwy Plenel, “Is it of paramount importance?” adds the presenter, “Yes it is of paramount importance.” adds the author, sure of himself.

Are we not allowed to go on vacation?

I can’t find“replies Gérard Darmon who defends the minister and who does not seem bothered by his holidays in Ibiza.But you have every right, that’s why there is pluralism” replies Edwy Plenel, “There are places where we are allowed to go on vacation and others where we are not allowed?“adds with great irony Frédéric Beigbeder before adding:”It’s interesting, we don’t have the right to go on vacation wherever we want.“.

We have shown the imposture of a communicating staging, responds Edwy Plenel. “I do an interview as if I were in the office, at work when there are all the teachers, teachers, school principals, principals wondering how it’s going to be, how we’re going to manage and everything and I’m not not here, I’m not at work, I’m not at work. I’m just back the day before the start of the school year.”

Accustomed to being compared to a “barking dog“, the journalist who worked in the past in the newspaper The world ends up responding to Gérard Darmon’s attack, who pointed out that he was shaking. “Yes, I allow my attitude to pass through in my profession, which is a commitment in the name of the right to know in the service of a fundamental freedom, and I let pass when I talk about it a certain emotion, a certain sensitivity because it is not not a cold job, it’s not a killer job contrary to what you have implied.

The show We are live attracted 968,000 viewers, representing a 13.9% market share over four years and over.

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