Géraldine Maillet soon at the Elysée? Why the TPMP columnist could soon have new responsibilities

These last few weeks have not been easy for Géraldine Maillet. In effect, the tensions between her and Cyril Hanouna were at their height since they kept on creping the bun.

That said, Géraldine Maillet does not only push rants in Do not touch My TV. Indeed, she had taken advantage of one of the programs to tell her love at first sight for Daniel Riolo, the sports journalist who has shared her life for several years. “I saw it and it was kind of obvious. A shock! An inner tremor” confided the former model at first.

Unfortunately, everything did not go as planned since the principal concerned did not have this immediate love at first sight … at the beginning. “It’s not reciprocal. In fact, he hadn’t seen me. And I, I saw him and I found that he was handsome, funny, intelligent, witty, that he had everything for him. I fell madly in love with him in a second” added Geraldine Maillet. But fortunately, things quickly returned to normal and they have now been married for several years.

very accomplices, they recently teamed up to discuss Kylian Mbappé’s future with Real Madrid on social media. But today it is for another subject that Daniel Riolo has been talked about.

While the new post in the private sector of Jean-Baptiste Djebbari caused debate on the set of RMC Story on Estelle Denis’ show, Daniel Riolo spoke of his desire to become Minister of Sports if the new Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne offered it to him.

“Me, in any case, everyone knows it, and as it is the period: I am ready and available. I sent the message to be Secretary of State or Minister for Sports. In the service of France , I am ready and, moreover, absolutely competent”, said Daniel Riolo. But beware, this would only be in the event that this proposal is made to him. It remains to be seen what the future holds for him.


See also: Géraldine Maillet and Kelly Vedovelli kiss

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