Géraldine Maillet in a relationship with Daniel Riolo: love at first sight not at all reciprocal

Admirers, go your way. Geraldine Maillet is not a heart to take. The columnist of Do not touch My TV (C8) is in a relationship with sports journalist Daniel Riolo. A man for whom she had a real crush. An unrequited feeling.

Géraldine Maillet has been making perfect love with Daniel Riolo for several years. And she still loves him as on the first day as she confided in March 2021 in the C8 program presented by Cyril Hanouna. Although she is discreet about her private life, the mother of Mathilde (19 years old, the fruit of a previous relationship), she had indeed agreed to talk about her “absolute love at first sight” for his dear and tender.

A shock ! An inner tremor…

I saw it and it was kind of obvious. A shock ! An inner tremor…“, confided Géraldine Maillet. If for her, it was obvious, it was not the same for Daniel Riolo. “It wasn’t mutual. In fact, he hadn’t seen me“, she said. Despite everything, the beautiful 50-year-old brunette did not lose her spirits and already imagined the man he was: “And me, I saw him and I found that he was handsome, funny, intelligent, witty, that he had everything going for him. I fell madly in love with him in seconds.“So many qualities that were confirmed later.

Fortunately, Daniel Riolo ended up noticing the former model. And her beauty and her personality hit the mark. “Afterwards, we talked a little bit, and he agreed that it was still not bad for us to meet again.“, she concluded. A very wise decision given that today, they are still so close. And when necessary, the columnist does not hesitate to defend it. As during the controversy that has followed after his remarks concerning the prisoners. In 2017, Géraldine Maillet had specified in Do not touch My TV that it was during a book fair that their paths crossed for the first time… never to leave each other again.

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