Géraldine Maillet cropped live in “TPMP” after comments that annoyed Cyril Hanouna!

Wednesday April 6, Cyril Hanouna received in Do not touch My TV on C8 a 32-year-old mother, Éloïse, who, after a second dose of the anti-Covid vaccine in July 2021, had serious side effects. The guest faced Jean-Paul Hamon, general practitioner and honorary president of the Federation of Doctors of France. “What she criticizes is not the vaccine but it is that pharmaco-vigilance is failing, that we do not identify quickly enough …”he explained before being cut by the host. “All she blames is that she is in a terrible state when she was in perfect health a year ago”he said.

If Géraldine Maillet wished to intervene, Baba finally gave the floor to Raymond. And obviously, the novelist moderately appreciated. “Ah me, I’m not going to talk”she slipped before adding. “We are gagged…”she said wryly. “You are going to start again”intervened Cyril Hanouna, a bit up. “We’re going to harass you too… I’ll give the floor to Raymond, we’ll give you the floor afterwards. We already have a doctor here who knows the case better than you!”

Cropping in good and due form.

“It started with intense fever…”

In an interview given to the DispatchEloise explained her ordeal. “It started with intense fever…”she said, also speaking “a metallic taste in the mouth and severe pain in the lower back”. “Then my condition rapidly worsened with acute pyelonephritis on August 23, 2021 before undergoing deep vein phlebectomy requiring double surgery.” The clerk at the Paris Court of Appeal went on to say: “I had 11 malaises in 9 months, I can no longer drive (…) I live in hell. During a cardiac MRI, the sentence fell: the doctor told me that I have 51% of the left muscle of the heart which is failing.”

See also: Excluded Video: Bertrand Chameroy: “Nabilla did not arrive like a diva at Touche not at my post!”


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