Géraldine Maillet affected by a tragedy at the age of 13: “I almost fell…”

As often in the first part of Do not touch My TV, Cyril Hanouna takes the time to chat a bit with his columnists. This is the moment when each of them has the opportunity to deliver a few confidences or anecdotes which viewers are often fond of. But Wednesday April 13, 2022, the subject was a little more serious than usual. Indeed, the host decided to make them react to the situations that marked them and that could have made them sink. Delphine Wespiser, for example, said that she had alcohol problems after a breakup. As for Geraldine Mailletshe explained that she found herself in a difficult period as a teenager, when her mother was struck down by a sudden illness.

Me, I sank… I almost sank! When I was 13, when my mom has gone deaf. It was the drama of my life, especially for her“, she said. But with hindsight, Géraldine Maillet managed to find something positive in this situation. “It also saved me. It allowed me to have another life. A better life thanks to her. I was able to get out of it thanks to his handicap“, estimates the companion of Daniel Riolo.

Cyril Hanouna then wanted to know more about the evil that affected his mother. “Overnight, she became deaf. It is a disease called otosclerosis, an autoimmune disease. It was lightning fast for her. It is a disease especially of young women“, she then replied. As a result, Géraldine Maillet’s mother saw her daily life turned upside down. “She was a general practitioner. She could not continue her work, because she could no longer auscultate, she could no longer take the blood pressure. It was a revolution for her. It was very hard. She had to reinvent everything. Maybe that’s why I also started writing, to communicate with her and help her“, she added. And to conclude with tenderness: “I thank her despite everything, even if she, she is handicapped all the time“.

Géraldine Maillet had already confided in her mother’s condition during an interview for Here is. The columnist and former model then said a little more about her difficult childhood also marked by the absence of her father. “My dad left us when I was 5“, she had revealed.

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