Géraldine Bannier tackles Christophe Langouët: “I am authentic, loyal and sincere”

The appeal of the great elected representatives of Mayenne, such as the mayors of Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne and Saint-Berthevin, was not heard by the voters of the 2nd district. They had clearly campaigned in favor of Christophe Langouët, Macronist mayor of Cossé-le-Vivien and president of the Pays de Craon, who was running as a free candidate. Bet failed! Géraldine Bannier, outgoing MP for the presidential majority, managed to get out of the trap.

The elected MoDem came in first in the first round and will face the candidate Nupes Grégory Boisseau on Sunday, June 19. A victory in the face of adversity and “banana skins” for Géraldine Bannier who was severe towards Christophe Langouët: “he was excluded from the majority, he was rebellious while claiming to be part of the majority, an ambiguous message, it didn’t pay off, and that’s good for me. I am authentic, loyal and sincere, values ​​that I carry and I believe that they pay”.

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