Gérald Darmanin: What is his relationship with his ex-wife?

Before being married to Rose-Marie Devillers, consulting director at Havas, with whom he had a child, Maximilien, in 2021, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin lived with Morgane Jumez. A relationship that did not end on very good terms if we are to believe the revelations of the book The President’s Black Baron by Laurent Valdiguié and François Vignolle.

On a small cloud of happiness with Rose-Marie Devillers, whom he married in August 2020, Gérald Darmanin was married to Morgane Jumez in the past. A love story that ended in divorce. The former couple had no children and we can imagine that they are no longer in contact much. In any case, this is what emerges from the intimate revelations of the President’s book Le Baron noir. His former wife had reacted to a scathing article against the politician, at the time of his altercation with the journalist Apolline de Malherbe on RMC, by not sparing her former husband.

When she had seen the behavior of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin in the face of the RMC journalist, Apolline de Malherbe, Nelly Garnier, LR adviser from Paris, had signed a virulent tribune in the columns of the World : “Twice, Gérald Darmanin has been accused of having taken advantage of his dominant position as an elected official to obtain sexual favors. Closer then revealed a passage from the book devoted to this politician: “On reading this text from the LR adviser from Paris, Morgane Jumez, the former wife of Gérald Darmanin reacts on her Instagram account: ‘Nelly Garnier signs a courageous column on the behavior of Gérald Darmanin, those who know him know... I’m part of.‘”

Relations are therefore still tense between the former mayor of Tourcoing and his first wife… Alongside her personal life, Morgane Jumez has built a professional career in communities and public institutions, an expert in political communication. This graduate of Science-Po Lille – like Gérald Darmanin – is currently Director of Transversal Projects Hauts-de-France Region.

Gérald Darmanin in the middle of a storm

Gérald Darmanin, who resisted a divorce and the post-reelection cabinet reshuffle of Emmanuel Macron, is currently entangled in a very delicate situation with the scandal of the management of the Liverpool-Real Madrid match at the Stade de France on May 28, 2022. With his colleague at Sports, Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castera, he went before the Senate law commission to explain this fiasco. He sketched a mea culpa for the disastrous staging of the Champions League final, paving the way for reparations for fans and sanctions against police, while maintaining his controversial version of the number of counterfeit tickets.

It is obvious that things could have been better organized“, declared Minister Gérald Darmanin, deploring a “spoiled sports party” and “sometimes unacceptable excesses“. It is also “sincerely apologized“to Liverpool supporters for”major damage, especially to children“caused by tear gas. For the first time since Saturday, Gérald Darmanin assured to have “asked for sanctions from the prefect of police“for two members of the security forces, guilty according to him of the use of tear gas”contrary to the rules of use“. Two people also seized the IGPN, the “font of fonts“After the events of Saturday, said Gérald Darmanin, without details.

The issue of counterfeit banknotes remains burning. The minister who has blamed British supporters since the start of the controversy, believing that they are largely responsible for the incidents, reaffirmed that “110,000 people“showed up”in and around“of the Stade de France. Either”35,000“supporters more than the expected gauge and provided, according to him, with falsified tickets or without tickets. For the time being, the FFF and UEFA have estimated at “2,800” the number “counterfeit banknotes scanned“Saturday, according to sources familiar with the matter, confirming information from RMC Sports. But among these 2,800 fake tickets may be real tickets that have been activated incorrectly, according to Pierre Barthélémy, lawyer for groups of French supporters present at the stadium on Saturday. their part, the intelligence services had alerted the authorities as early as May 25 of the presence “of approximately 50,000 English supporters” who “will not be ticket holderss”.

On the grill, however, Gérald Darmanin retains “the full confidence of the President of the Republic“retorted government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire on Wednesday.

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