Gérald Darmanin was interviewed by the deputies of the law committee before the text arrived in the Assembly

The immigration bill continues on its way. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, was interviewed since 5 p.m. by the deputies of the law committee, before each group took the floor to express their position. This step came as the Senate adopted the government’s immigration bill by 210 votes and 115 votes against on November 14.

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The main lines of the text adopted by the Senate. After five days of debate, the content of the bill appears considerably toughened. The Republicans of Bruno Retailleau and the centrist group of Hervé Marseille, largely in the majority, agreed on all the provisions, resulting in a text which “is not totally that of the government”, according to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. Among the main measures voted on, the abolition of State medical aid, the simplification of expulsions for dangerous foreigners, the questioning of land law and the withdrawal of the article concerning regularization in professions in shortage .

The bill must be examined by the National Assembly in December. After passing through the law committee the week of November 27, the text will be debated in public session at the National Assembly from December 11 to 22, where it should be amended again, in particular by the left wing of the Renaissance camp. The game promises to be difficult without an absolute majority, the threat of an 18th 49.3 triggered by Elisabeth Borne looms in the hemicycle.

The referendum on immigration is not accepted. In a letter sent in September to the heads of political parties, Emmanuel Macron promised to decide on broadening the scope of the referendum, which could then be used on immigration. Finally, due to a lack of political consensus, the proposal for a referendum on immigration is no longer up to date. Party leaders refused this proposal from Republican President Eric Ciotti during the second edition of the Saint-Denis meetings (Seine-Saint-Denis), Friday.

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