“Currently, it is not possible to withdraw a residence permit for behavior that does not constitute a criminal offense,” explains the Ministry of the Interior.
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While the immigration bill is due to reach the Senate in December, the Arras attack could change its content. The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin therefore wants to include in the text a provision allowing the withdrawal of his residence permit from a foreigner who “adheres to a jihadist ideology”, the ministry announced on Tuesday, October 17. The assailant who killed a teacher in a middle school in Arras is a Russian from Ingushetia (a province neighboring Chechnya) who had escaped expulsion in 2014.
Currently, the law provides that“a temporary or multi-year residence permit may, by a reasoned decision, be withdrawn from any foreigner whose presence in France constitutes a threat to public order”. But “it is not possible to withdraw a residence permit for behavior that does not constitute a criminal offense but demonstrates behavior that does not conform to our values.”explained Place Beauvau.
The example of a decapitation photo
The Ministry of the Interior cites as an example “the conspicuous wearing of religious symbols and outfits” in a school environment, which “represent 50% of the reports recorded by the Ministry of National Education”Or “the refusal to be received or heard” by a person “of the opposite sex for religious reasons” at public service counters. Or even possession “in his phone [d’une] ISIS beheading photo”. With such elements, “we could withdraw a residence permit if we have no other reason to do so”.
Still within the framework of the parliamentary discussion of the immigration bill, Gérald Darmanin is also considering extending the duration of placement in administrative detention centers (CRA, where people in an irregular situation are placed while awaiting their expulsion). at eighteen months (compared to three currently) “for S files or delinquent persons”. Objective : “keep” these foreigners deemed dangerous in these detention centers, according to the ministry.