Gérald Darmanin wants the dismissal of the police officer who insulted a woman victim of a sexual assault

“I think this gentleman no longer has a place in the national police,” the interior minister said on Wednesday.

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Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin estimated on Wednesday February 16 that the police officer who dealt with “bitch” a woman who filed a sexual assault complaint had no “no longer his place” within the National Police.

“This police officer not only soiled all the women who try to file a complaint (…) but he soiled, he spat on the uniform of the Republic of his 250,000 other police and gendarme colleagues”, declared the Minister of the Interior on Europe 1.

“I think this gentleman no longer has a place in the national police”added the Minister of the Interior, specifying that he was not “not the only one to decide because there are legal remedies”.

The prefect of police Didier Lallement, condemning “inadmissible remarks”, announced on Tuesday that it had seized the “police of police” (IGPN) of an administrative investigation and requested the suspension of the police officer as a precaution.

According to a recording posted online by Mediapart, the police officer mistakenly left a message on the complainant’s answering machine in which he insulted her, calling her in particular “big whore” or of “dirty whore” Many times.

The 34-year-old young woman had filed a complaint on the night of February 4 to 5 with police officers from the police station of the 5th and 6th arrondissements of Paris for “drunk sexual assault”said Mediapart.

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